Free Download, 3d DeLorean DMC model available in obj and made with various applications. Free Download, 3d DeLorean model available in obj, max and made with 3ds max, VRay, Photoshop.
DeLorean DMC-12 BTTF 1981 3D model The 3D model was created on real car base. It’s created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close to the original. Model formats: - *.max (3ds Max 2008 scanline) - *.max (3ds Max 2008 vray) - *.fbx (Multi Format) - *.obj (Multi Format) - *.3ds (Multi Format) - *.mb (Maya 8.5) - *.lwo (Lightwave 6) - *.c4d (Cinema 4D 11) * tire’s texture is not included in the set.
* renders Are made in 3ds Max 2008 using vray 1.5 (studio environment is not included in the set) If you need any other formats we are more than happy to make them for you. The model is provided combined, all main parts are presented as separate parts therefore materials of objects are easy to be modified or removed and standard parts are easy to be replaced. If you experience difficulties with separating standard parts we are more than happy to give you qualified assistance. We greatly appreciate you choosing our 3D models and hope they will be of use. We look forward to continuously dealing with you.
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Delorean 3D Models Show: View as: Sort by: Per page: last>>last>>Polygonal mesh file formats: Autodesk 3ds Max (.max), AutoCAD (.dxf), Maya (.ma), Wavefront Object (.obj), 3D Studio Binary (.3ds), Autodesk FBX (.fbx), 3D Studio ASCII (. Download Nielsen And Chuang Solutions Manual Software on this page. asc), LightWave 3D (.lwo), VRML 2. Efilm Workstation Keygen 3.4 on this page. 0 (.wrl;),Microsoft DirectX ASCII (.x), StereoLithography ASCII (.stl), COLLADA (.dae), X3D (.x3d). Downloaded 3D Models can be imported into Softimage, Cinema 4D, Blender, Modo, Google Earth and other 3D software. 3D CAD Solid Objects file formats: STEP SOLID [AP214] (.step), IGES 5.3 NURBS (.iges). 3D CAD Solids can be imported into SolidWorks (.sldasm;.sldprt), Autodesk Inventor (.iam;.ipt), Pro/Engineer (.asm;.prt), SolidEdge, CATIA, ACIS and other CAD/CAM/CAE packages.

3D CAD models can be downloaded as polygonal 3D meshes also.