Hi Guys, I found this when going thru some Italian FIAT forums. This seems to be original list of Fiat SPECIFIC error codes.
Download: examiner fiat alfa lancia 6.6.iso. Seriale, Aktywatory: Tom I: Tom II: Inne pliki do pobrania z tego chomika. OBD su Palm - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Polskie seriale online tancerze komedia romantyczna filmy za darmo pobierz za darmo ned for sped hot pursit examiner fiat download. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in. Technical: Interface to Fiat Examiner! Well, I appreciate all the help give to me, especially to Deckchair. In all posts regarding examiner some say it can be done.
Although it is in Italian you can easily translate whatever you need with Google Translate (select Italian and English) and do some guessing to make sense of the automatic translation. This seems to be much better that any English lists that I have seen before. For example error code P1135 is usually described 'Oxygen sensor heater resistance' while it tends to pop up when misfires or throttle problems occur on hot engine. This sounds rubbish because heater works only on cold engine and then is switched off - should not pop up when engine experiences any misfires or engine stalls, never.
However, if one translates what this list says for P1135 it is 'Upstream oxygen sensor voltage below lower limit' what means the sensor circuit reading is wrong, not its heater! Makes much more sense to me Note this does not necessarily mean the sensor itself is faulty. This is yet another general list (probably Ford). It is NOT Fiat specific. For example: P1246=Sistema di ricarica o input alto segnale di avviamento ( Jaguar)??? P1279=Campo/prestazioni circuito sensore manicotto di comando ( Mazda)??? Also, I have a Fiat DPF Service Bulletin that lists Fiat codes.
It shows, for example: P1206 = Resistenza flusso aria nel filtro particolato alta ( I° livello ) (P1206 = High air flow resistance in particulate filter (first level)) Whereas your list shows: P1206 as Interruzione/cortocircuito iniettore cilindro n° 6 (Interuption/short circuit. Cylinder No 6 injector.
I suppose that will takes a littel bit time for a moded softwear but a KG will not be shared anymore or will not be for free for sure. IAW 1AF or 1AB it is coveraged by the Autocom ( tested by me - Multiecuscan and Autocom ) But you know ' the hope will die the last one' I don't want to incurage you to buy a real key becasue I get one for free from Mr. Yanislav himself but I wanna tell you from experience with this fiatecuScan/MultiEcuscan that you cannot do something with a cracked/moded version that you cna do with one with real serial Teste in many cases in comparation with my frined cracked softwears.
301 Esbjorn Svensson Trio Torrent. Anyway keep waiting Good luck.