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CD 2 - Change Of The Century.rar 241,63 MB: CD 4 - Free Jazz.rar 253,88 MB: CD 5 - Ornette!rar. Ornette Coleman. OrnetteColeman.1959 - Change of the Century.rar 124,93 MB: OrnetteColeman.1959. Shape.of.Jazz.to.Come.1959.part1.rar from mediafire.com host Ornette coleman change of the century 1959 remastered 2012 filepost.com (1 GB) Multi ornette coleman change of the century 1959 uploaded.to (279 MB). Some of the files we found are: Change Of The Century.zip from mega.co.nz host Change Of The Century.zip mega.co.nz 95.38 MB Ornette coleman change of the century 1959 remastered 2012 filepost.com (1 GB). Change of the Century is a perfect example of Coleman's style, which feels unique within the free/avant-garde jazz movement. His keen ability to maintain a groove throughout moments of chaos (2) makes his music strangely approachable and catchy.