Dec 29, 2009 Here is link for download: NBA 2K10 Euroleague patch rosters TheCizis.
Doslo je vreme da vam predstavim moj drugi patch za nba 2k ali ovaj put dosta veci pa sam zato otvarao novu temu,nadam se da ne smeta.
Description Meds roster for NBA 2K14 brings updates to player and team info to bring it inline with changes that happened in the free agency of summer 2017 and recent trades this 2017-18 season. This includes the addition of first and second round picks in this year's NBA Draft. Some of the big names on the move include Kyrie Irving (BOS), Isaiah Thomas (CLE), Carmelo Anthony (OKC), Paul George (OKC), CP3 (HOU), Gordon Hayward (BOS), Derrick Rose (CLE) and Rudy Gay (SAS). Norland Xr-46 Service Manual. Check out the changelog below for a complete list of updates.