Publisher: PMDG Simulations - Boeing 747-400X 'Queen of the Skies' Publisher: Aerosoft/SimWings - Mega Airport London Heathrow X Description: Commercial airliner simulation and highly detailed airport scenery. Where you can find an array of options and customizations to further enhance your PMDG 747-400 experience! The PMDG menu provides access to a host of. Pmdg 747-400 Has anyone have the PMDG 747-400X tutorial? Aerosoft/PMDG Boeing 747-400. By metro752 in forum The Outer Marker. Dec 26, 2011 Check out my new video, a complete flight from Edinburgh to Liverpool with much better graphics (1080p HD 2014): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8S.
The PMDG 747-400 X is the answer for 747 enthusiasts who demand exceptional functionality and visual appeal! Stunning photo real cockpit and exterior models combined with an accurate systems functionality.
This package includes the passenger and cargo version for FSX. The completely new models of the PMDG 747-400 X Queen of the Skies have been exclusively designed for FSX implementing new features such as specular lighting and bump mapping amongst others.
Program De Scris Pe Poze Tpu there. In order to provide the sophistication, technical details and challenge of commercial airline flying to the enthusiast, the PMDG 747-400 X Queen of the Skies meets exacting standards for quality and completeness. From the photo-real cockpit to systems programmed after engineering schematics, no effort has been spared during the extensive development process. This has been verified by a dedicated beta test team, comprised of aviation professionals, airline pilots and Flight Simulator experts.