Template In Asp Net

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Born in Hungary, got my first computer at age 12 (C64 with tape and joystick). Also got a book with it about 6502 assembly, that on its back has a motto, said 'Try yourself! Porsche 911 Engine Serial Numbers. ' I believe this is my beginning. Started to learn - formally - in connection to mathematics an physics, by writing basic and assembly programs demoing theorems and experiments.

ASP.NET Templates for Visual Studio. Responsive, mobile ready, and cross-browser templates for ASP.NET and MVC ASP.NET.

After moving to Israel learned two years in college and got a software engineering degree, I still have somewhere. Since 1997 I do development for living.

I used 286 assembly, COBOL, C/C++, Magic, Pascal, Visual Basic, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, C# and some more buzzes. Since 2005 I have to find spare time after kids go bed, which means can't sleep to much, but much happier this way. Free tools I've created for you.