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CynCon said: I had the same problem when I upgraded. Geek Squad advised to uninstall the current version of Kaspersky (keep your certificate registration) and then re-install. I did this and it worked -- Kaspersky desktop icon is there and 'Safe Money' feature is available (I did have to reload all my websites that I wanted secured). Did you re install Kapsersky 2015?? I tried downloading Kaspersky 2015 and run it but without uninstalling the previous version. The windows msg said it cannot run the app.

Usb Antivirus Gadget

I had to contact Kaspersky to request a removal tool to remove the old programme first as the Windows upgrade hadn't completely removed all components. Unfortunately, Kaspersky was no longer in the programmes list so I couldn't easily uninstall it myself.

This was stopping me from installing Kaspersky 2015 and I was getting a similar error message to you. Once I used the removal too, I installed Kaspersky 2015. You can retrieve your license / certificate numbers etc from your Kaspersky store login if you don't know what they are. The icon shortcut reappeared on the desktop (yes there is one) and it also reappeared in the tray for me. CynCon said: I had the same problem when I upgraded. Geek Squad advised to uninstall the current version of Kaspersky (keep your certificate registration) and then re-install. I did this and it worked -- Kaspersky desktop icon is there and 'Safe Money' feature is available (I did have to reload all my websites that I wanted secured).

Usb Antivirus Gadget

Did you re install Kapsersky 2015?? I tried downloading Kaspersky 2015 and run it but without uninstalling the previous version. The windows msg said it cannot run the app.

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