How To Generate Spool File In Siebel

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Calling PL/SQL or Batch file from Siebel is always fun, it gives end users added flexibility to generate. Test’ and spool it in opty. Patch Nba 2k10 Euroleague there. txt. Our opty.sql file. Jun 20, 2016 Debugging Techniques in Siebel: While in Testing Siebel applications or else in development we find many errors in Siebel. How to generate the Spool File.

Hi Anand, There are 2 ways to generate columns in your select stmt should be concatenated with ','. Select col1 ',' col2 from dual; or set markup html on spool 1.xls select co1,col2 from dual; spool off; Hope this helps you. Regards Sandeep 'anand.s via shellscript-l' wrote: # Oversized data centers - quantify costs, improve architecture # See how: # View Group Archive: Hi Folks, Any idea how to generate the.csv output file in shell scritp. Tried with the below queru but am not getting the.csv file. SQL_=`sqlplus -s USRNAME/PWD. Hi Anand, If you want you output to be comma seperated use this as your SQL query for spooling the columns with comma seperated select D1 ',' D2 from test By using the contatencation operator with columns you can get comma seperated. For any furhter information please write.ill be glad to solve it. Rca Mp3 Player Music S.

Bye Himanshu Binjola 'anand.s via shellscript-l' wrote: # Oversized data centers - quantify costs, improve architecture # See how: # View Group Archive: Hi Folks, Any idea how to generate the.csv output file in shell scritp. Tried with the below queru but am not getting the.csv file. SQL_=`sqlplus -s USRNAME/PWD. Alternatively this can be achieved by using setting the colsep to ' SQL_=`sqlplus -s USRNAME/PWD wrote: ># Capitalize on change by synchronizing business and >IT ># Learn more: >>># View Group Archive: >>>Hi Anand, >>If you want you output to be comma seperated use >this as your SQL query for spooling the columns with >comma seperated >>select D1 ',' D2 from test >>By using the contatencation operator with columns >you can get comma seperated. >>For any furhter information please write.ill be >glad to solve it. >>Bye >Himanshu Binjola >>>'anand.s via shellscript-l' >wrote: ># Oversized data centers - quantify costs, improve >architecture ># See how: >>># View Group Archive: >>>Hi Folks, >>Any idea how to generate the.csv output file in >shell scritp. >Tried with the below queru but am not getting the >.csv file.

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