May 24, 2010 HELP with slomins alarm. I no longer have an account with slomins so they are of no. Try to check the main system panel not the keypad for the. Download 128 Napco Security System PDF manuals. User manuals, Napco Security system Operating guides and Service manuals. MAGNUM ALERT RP1016E KEYPAD. THE SLOMIN'S SHIELD HOME SECURITY SYSTEM Secure your home for less than $1/day 1 800-ALARM -ME CALL OR CLICK. Home security system includes: Panel and Keypad.
Update: I googled it as well and ended up at the same places you did – but neither page helped nor worked. I called Slomin's support line and the only help they could provide me was repeating the same legal statement over and over – yes, the guy thought I was breaking into a house and needed help disabling the alarm. I googled it as well and ended up at the same places you did – but neither page helped nor worked. I called Slomin's support line and the only help they could provide me was repeating the same legal statement over and over – yes, the guy thought I was breaking into a house and needed help disabling the alarm. Anyway, it’s either the ‘asterisk’ or ‘bypass’ button, but at 1:00am who could remember. • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed.

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1 press & hold the door alarm keypad..2 press & hold freezer temperature down keyboard within 3 seconds..3 release the door alarm alarm keypad and wait 3 seconds. 4.the control will DISPLAY PE to indicate the programming mode 5.entry is confirmed by pressing the freezer temperature down keypad once more..6 the control will display the current program CODE this program should be validated with the program CODE printed on the unit serieal plate.NOTE.IF THE PROGRAM code is correct the programming mode is excited by pressing door alarm keypad for 3 seconds..7.press the refrigerator temperature up keypad or refrigerator down keypad to change the digit value with each key press. The decimal point indicates the selected digit press the freezer temperature Up keypad to select next digit.. Once the desired program code is entered press & hold the freezer temperature down keypad until the program CODE begins flashing indicating it has been saved.Note.if u attempt to enter an invalid code the control will not save the new code.but will beep,,(the unit will not run with a program code of 0000,). Once the program CODE has been saved the programming mode is excited by pressing any key.if the new code is incorrect this process should be repeated.the programming mode can be excited at any time by pressing door alarm key for 3 seconds or will exit if unattended for 4 minutes.good luck Jun 16, 2016 . Car/ keylessentry/ • Viper is the industry leader in keyless entry systems. Add the convenience of keylessentry to virtually any vehicle - even vehicles without power door locks!