Mike Mason The Mystery Of Marriage Pdf

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Because yesterday was our, and since I've been co-teaching a Sunday School class on, marriage is on my mind. Business Ethics And Values Colin Fisher Alan Lovell Pdf Software more. I mentioned last Sunday that Mike Mason's Gold Medallion award winning book is one of the best books on marriage I've read. Here are some of the quotes from the book that made it to my notes. Maybe these will whet your appetite for more. “Marriage, as simply as it can be defined, is the contemplation of the love of God in and through the form of another human being.” (p. 38) “Are there problems in marriage? Every one of them results from the partners trying desperately to renege, however subconsciously or surreptitiously on a choice they have already made, a choice to which they have been led by love.” (p.

Mystery Of Marriage Mike Mason Pdf

42) “To know the Lord is to be brought into a personal relationship so dramatic and overwhelming that marriage is only a pale image of it. Still, marriage is the closest analogy in earthly experience, and that is why the Bible so often uses the picture of a wedding, and of the bride and groom, to convey something of what it means for human beings to be united to God in love.” (p.

Mike Mason The Mystery Of Marriage Pdf

Download The Mystery Of Marriage – Mike Mason, J. Packer, Mike Mason pdf In the 2. Gold Medallion Award winner, Mike Mason goes on a poetic search to understand the wondrous dynamics of committed love. Mike Mason is the author of The Mystery of Children, The Gospel According to Job, and Practicing the Presence of People. Elle Kennedy Epub. He and his wife, Karen, an MD in general practice, live in Langley, British Columbia, and have one daughter, Heather.

43) “Marriage comes with a built-in abhorrence of self-centeredness. In the dream world of mankind’s complacent separateness, amidst all our pleasant little fantasies of omnipotence and blamelessness and self-sufficiency, marriage explodes like a bomb. It runs an aggravating interference pattern, an unrelenting guerrilla warfare against selfishness. It attacks people’s vanity and lonely pride in a way that few other things can, tirelessly exposing the necessity of giving and sharing, the absurdity of blame.” (p. 53) “[Marriage] is one of God’s most powerful secret weapons for the revolutionizing of the human heart. It is a heavy concentrated barrage upon the place of our greatest weakness, which is our relationship with others.

We cannot possibly, it is true, in any practical way maintain a commitment to every other person in the world: That is God’s business, not ours. But marriage involves us synecdochically in this mystical activity of God’s by choosing for us just one person, one total stranger out of all the world’s billions, with whom to enter into the highest and deepest and farthest reaches of a sacrificial, loving relationship.” (p. 54) “What is hard about marriage is what is hard also about facing the Christian God: It is the strain of living continually in the light of a conscience other than our own, being under the intimate scrutiny of another pair of eyes.” (p. 93) “Marriage means being in the spotlight, being under the unceasing scrutiny of another person, just as we are all under the constant gaze of the Lord our God. Marriage is about nakedness, exposure, defenselessness, and the very extremities of intimacy. It is about the simple unadorned truth between two human beings, truth at all levels and at all costs, and it does not care what pain or inconvenience must be endured in order for the habit of truth to take root, to be watered, and to grow into maturity.” (p. 94) “A marriage is not a joining of two worlds, but an abandoning of two worlds in order that one new one might be formed....